4ème Projection de la pièce de théâtre « Romeo et Juliette »

On Wednesday, March 21st, ninth graders at Lycée Montaigne attended a performance of Romeo and Juliet at the Youth and Culture Center Theater. Traditionally ninth graders read Romeo and Juliet in class and interpret the play as it is being read. The movie helped students understand the play better because they got to watch the action unfold. This was a really good experience for everyone where students directly reflected on what they’ve learned and perceived a modern version of the play as it happened in Verona.



Pour susciter leur curiosité par la découverte d’œuvres cinématographique, le mercredi 21 Mars 2018 la classe de 4ème  du Lycée Montaigne a assisté à la projection de la pièce de théâtre «  Romeo et Juliette » de Shakespeare à la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Zouk Mikael.